Signal system planning


Our services

  • Signal system planning from testing and design to readiness for implementation
  • Optimisation of signal technology in existing junction systems
  • Planning and implementation of public transport acceleration measures
  • Traffic control in parking and handling facilities
  • Traffic data recording
  • Building site signalling

Traffic light planning: from design to implementation, all under one roof

The design of a traffic light system involves more than just controlling traffic safely!

An intelligent traffic light control system represents an effective tool in stabilising traffic flows and avoiding additional emissions resulting from unnecessarily long waiting times at signal systems. In addition, acceleration measures for public transport and control processes for optimising traffic-related waiting and travel times at junction systems are gaining in importance.

In planning traffic light systems, the accuracy and currency of traffic data recording (base traffic parameters) is a central criterion in the efficiency of the planned control system.


Interfaces with simulation tools create enhanced application options

Linking with traffic and simulation models facilitates direct integration and enhanced information options. For example, alternative signal switching cycles with crucial time intervals can be tested directly and the resulting traffic flows evaluated.